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There are multiple analyzers for various string comparison functions:


The recommendations for string usage mention calling the overloads using StringComparison to increase performance.



Signal your intention explicitly by calling an overload.

open System

"foo".EndsWith("p", StringComparison.Ordinal)
namespace System
[<Struct>] type StringComparison = | CurrentCulture = 0 | CurrentCultureIgnoreCase = 1 | InvariantCulture = 2 | InvariantCultureIgnoreCase = 3 | Ordinal = 4 | OrdinalIgnoreCase = 5
<summary>Specifies the culture, case, and sort rules to be used by certain overloads of the <see cref="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.String)" /> and <see cref="M:System.String.Equals(System.Object)" /> methods.</summary>
field StringComparison.Ordinal: StringComparison = 4

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