ParquetSharp in PowerShell
The main requirement to using ParquetSharp from PowerShell is that @ParquetSharpNative.dll is in the PATH
or in the same directory as @ParquetSharp.dll. The following guide shows one possible approach to achieve this:
You can install ParquetSharp with the NuGet command line interface.
First, make sure nuget.exe
is in your PATH
, or in the current directory, then run the following to install the latest version of ParquetSharp into a new directory called lib
nuget install ParquetSharp -OutputDirectory lib
Then, go into the lib
directory and add the required .dll
files to bin
. The library versions may not necessarily match, so adjust them as necessary:
New-Item -Name "bin" -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\System.Buffers.4.5.1\lib\net461\System.Buffers.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\System.Memory.4.5.4\lib\net461\System.Memory.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\System.Numerics.Vectors.4.5.0\lib\net46\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.5.3\lib\net461\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\System.ValueTuple.4.5.0\lib\net461\System.ValueTuple.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
Finally, copy @ParquetSharp.dll and @ParquetSharpNative.dll into bin
. This will depend on the current version of ParquetSharp, as well as your architecture and OS:
# Replace path with the appropriate version of ParquetSharp
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\ParquetSharp.12.1.0\lib\net461\ParquetSharp.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
# Replace path with the appropriate version of ParquetSharp and architecture
Copy-Item -Path ".\lib\ParquetSharp.12.1.0\runtimes\win-x64\native\ParquetSharpNative.dll" -Destination ".\bin"
The available runtime architectures are win-x64
, linux-x64
, linux-arm64
, osx-x64
, and osx-arm64
Use Add-Type
to load @ParquetSharp.dll. Note that we're using custom directories:
# Replace path with the appropriate versions of ParquetSharp
Add-Type -Path ".\lib\ParquetSharp.12.1.0\lib\net471\ParquetSharp.dll"
Now you can use ParquetSharp as usual:
$reader = New-Object -TypeName ParquetSharp.ParquetFileReader -ArgumentList "./data.parquet"
For more detailed examples of how to use ParquetSharp from PowerShell, see these scripts from Apteco.