Namespace ParquetSharp
- AadPrefixVerifier
Verifies identity(AAD Prefix) of individual file, or of file collection in a data set.
- ByteArrayReaderCache<TPhysical, TLogical>
Cache duplicated ByteArray / FixedByteArray values when reading and converting them to their logical form. This is particularly useful when reading a lot of duplicate strings.
- ByteBuffer
Pool the ByteArray allocations into few buffers that we can pin, rather than many small byte[].
This allows us to more efficiently pass byte-arrays to Parquet native API without having a pinning handle per byte[] (and indirectly, strings).
- Column
Column properties for constructing schema nodes from C# types. This is a higher-level API not part of apache-parquet-cpp.
- ColumnChunkMetaData
Represents the metadata for a column chunk.
- ColumnCryptoMetaData
Represents metadata related to the encryption and decryption of a Parquet column. Provides access to encryption-specific properties for a column and manages the associated native resources.
- ColumnDecryptionProperties
Properties related to decrypting one specific column.
- ColumnDecryptionPropertiesBuilder
Builder pattern for creating and configuring ColumnDecryptionProperties objects. Provides a fluent API for setting the decryption properties for a column in a Parquet file.
- ColumnDescriptor
The ColumnDescriptor encapsulates information necessary to interpret primitive column data in the context of a particular schema. We have to examine the node structure of a column's path to the root in the schema tree to be able to reassemble the nested structure from the repetition and definition levels.
- ColumnEncryptionProperties
Properties related to encrypting one specific column.
- ColumnEncryptionPropertiesBuilder
Builder pattern for creating and configuring ColumnEncryptionProperties objects. Provides a fluent API for setting the encryption properties for a column in a Parquet file.
- ColumnReader
Reader of physical Parquet values from a single column.
- ColumnReader<TValue>
Reader of physical Parquet values from a single column.
- ColumnWriter
Writer of physical Parquet values to a single column.
- ColumnWriter<TValue>
Strongly-typed writer of physical Parquet values to a single column.
- DecryptionKeyRetriever
Map a decryption key to a key-metadata. Serves as a callback by FileDecryptionProperties to access decryption keys whenever they are needed.
- DefaultWriterProperties
Process-wide default writer properties to use. All properties are nullable and defaults are taken from the Arrow library when a default is set to null. Note that these defaults are not used if creating writer properties with WriterProperties.GetDefaultWriterProperties, you must use a WriterPropertiesBuilder if creating writer properties yourself, or use one of the ParquetFileWriter constructors that does not take a WriterProperties parameter.
- FileDecryptionProperties
Properties related to decrypting a parquet file.
- FileDecryptionPropertiesBuilder
Builder pattern for creating and configuring a FileDecryptionProperties object. Provides a fluent API for setting the decryption properties (footer key, encryption algorithm, etc.) for a Parquet file.
- FileEncryptionProperties
Properties related to encrypting a parquet file.
- FileEncryptionPropertiesBuilder
Builder pattern for creating and configuring a FileEncryptionProperties object. Provides a fluent API for setting the encryption properties (footer key, encryption algorithm, etc.) for a Parquet file.
- FileMetaData
Metadata for a Parquet file. Includes information about the schema, row groups, versions, etc.
- LogicalColumnReader
Column reader transparently converting Parquet physical types to C# types. This is a higher-level API not part of apache-parquet-cpp.
- LogicalColumnWriter
Column writer transparently converting C# types to Parquet physical types. This is a higher-level API not part of apache-parquet-cpp.
- LogicalColumnWriter<TElement>
Column writer transparently converting C# types to Parquet physical types. This is a higher-level API not part of apache-parquet-cpp.
- LogicalRead
Parquet physical types to C# types read conversion logic. Separate class for per-element conversion logic.
- LogicalReadConverterFactory
Extendable class that handles the mapping between a Parquet physical type and the C# logical type when reading values.
- LogicalRead<TLogical, TPhysical>
Parquet physical types to C# types read conversion logic.
- LogicalTypeFactory
Defines the mapping between .NET types and Parquet logical types, allowing for custom type handling.
- LogicalWrite
C# types to Parquet physical types write conversion logic. Separate class for per-element conversion logic.
- LogicalWriteConverterFactory
Extendable class that handles the mapping between a C# logical type and the Parquet physical type when writing values.
- LogicalWrite<TLogical, TPhysical>
C# types to Parquet physical types write conversion logic.
- MemoryPool
Base class for memory allocation on the CPU. Tracks the number of allocated bytes.
- ParquetException
Exception thrown by apache-parquet-cpp or the ParquetSharp wrapping logic.
- ParquetFileReader
Opens and reads Parquet files.
- ParquetFileWriter
Opens and writes Parquet files.
- ReaderProperties
Configures options for reading Parquet files.
- RowGroupMetaData
Represents the metadata for a row group in a Parquet file.
- RowGroupReader
Reads row groups in a Parquet file.
- RowGroupWriter
Writes a row group to a Parquet file. Allows access to individual ColumnWriter instances for each column in the row group.
- WriterProperties
Configures options for writing Parquet files.
- WriterPropertiesBuilder
Builder pattern for creating and configuring a WriterProperties object.
- ByteArray
Represents a Parquet array of contiguous bytes.
- Date
Represent a Parquet 32-bit date, based around 1970-01-01.
- DateTimeNanos
Represents a Parquet Timestamp with Nanoseconds time unit.
- FixedLenByteArray
Represents a Parquet fixed-length array of contiguous bytes.
- Int96
Represents a Parquet 96-bit signed integer. This is obsolete (see
- Nested<T>
Wraps values that are nested inside group nodes in the Parquet schema, so that complex nested structures can be interpreted from columnar arrays.
- TimeSpanNanos
Represents a Parquet Time with Nanoseconds time unit.
- IColumnDescriptorVisitor<TReturn>
Visitor on ColumnDescriptor to discover the system types in a type safe manner.
- IColumnReaderVisitor<TReturn>
Visitor on ColumnReader to discover the derived reader type in a type safe manner.
- IColumnWriterVisitor<TReturn>
Visitor on ColumnWriter to discover the derived writer type in a type safe manner.
- ILogicalColumnReaderVisitor<TReturn>
Visitor on LogicalColumnReader to discover the derived reader type in a type safe manner.
- ILogicalColumnWriterVisitor<TReturn>
Visitor on LogicalColumnWriter to discover the derived writer type in a type safe manner.